für die Empire Deluxe Enhanced Edition (EDEE) gibt es seit dem 02.10.2012 ein Update auf die Programmversion 4.011!
Folgende Punkte haben sich laut Marks Webseite geändert:
Ihr findet den Patch hier: http://www.killerbeesoftware.com/kbsgam ... #EDEEPATCHGeneral FixesAI Specific
- Compiled in VS 2010
- Adjusted internals to control messages from getting lost to clients
- Adjusted tab sizes due to WINE discrepancies
- If default queue sorting is closest loc, queue will resort with each active unit
- Removed Possibility of hang on “end game” option in PBM
- Removed some obscure cheat capability for pbm games (shame on me, shame on you)
- Switching from Network Play to PBEM required a non-intuitive step
- Tool Tips for the Map not always working correctly
- Fixed other minor issues reported over time
- Rare occasion city shows as previous owner after being captured
- Totally random city placement actually means totally random
- Cleaned up city selection option
- DB Versions added to summary
- Auto saved games could cause problems when being used for PBM
- Reduced Size of no/unknown production string in map display
- Auto Production Remote Packet fixed
- Added Date String to Game Summary
- Added Production Calculator
- Added “Send Home” Command on out of range warning dialog
- 'Stealth Fire' enabled units now do not show fire arc when firing.
- Fighters were bombing at 50% when they should be at 33%
- Unit Report Data can now be exported to xml
- Game Clock underneath re-engineered
- Can Only Save a game during your turn
- Queue sorts by location now resort at every active unit
- Added Key Bind Capability for Battle Odds and Production Calculators
- Satellites Destroyed during launch were sending wrong results to the client.
- Added DB Modifier “Crippled When Exhausted”
- Ground Units with range were starting with 0 movement when placed outside a host.
- Added Portage data in status line for host units that do not have unlimited capacity
- AI Re-save not setting origin/capital position correctly for mission calculations
- If the geography is just right, AI Player could get confused in early exploration and oscillate his exploration assets
- AI Player has changed the way some assets are assigned missions
- Fixed some AI DLL stability issues
- Fixed other minor issues reported over time
- AI Player slightly more efficient in large games, still room for improvement
- AI Player was using arty on neutral cities
- AI was not behaving with the game clock in use